Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The Piano Lab is open before and after school daily for your convenience.

VC - Please look ahead to "Mary Ann" and practice transitioning from C major to G7 in the RH.
Delta - Please have your assigned portions of your repertoire ready next week.

Chamber and MR - All scales are due. 
Grades go in next week

Monday, February 4, 2013


The Piano Lab is open before and after school for your convenience.

Chamber & WR:  All scales are now due.  Let's finish so that we can begin new repertoire.

Good job on your primary chords and piano solos last Friday!!! Yippee!!!

VC:  Look ahead to "Mary Ann".  Largo is the lesson for the week. Check out Dvorak and his "New World Symphony".
EQ:   How do you transition from C Major to G7 for the RH?